I'm looking at Way of the Ascendant Dragon Monk with perhaps Fizban's Treasury of Dragons Metallic Silver Dragonborn for more breaths. or perhaps fizban's white dragon for temporary immunity to cold. I mostly picked cold because resistance to a type makes you not have to make cold weather checks and it wasn't fire (a commonly resisted type).
I don't think taking a flying race will be allowed. Or other commonly considered broken races (yuan-ti, satyr, ect).

I'm curious how you would build the character when it comes to feats, multiclass (or not), other race options. Most of our games we start at low levels 3 or below and play to like 11-15 range.

I want a mix of fun flavor and options and power, but I don't mind hearing a "top damage" build or a "lots of cool flavor and utility" build instead of a mix

I'm not too interested in playing a strength monk or grappling ect.