Quote Originally Posted by BelGareth View Post
heh, thats where im going with Thunderlance. should be interesting to see the differences.
Ha, funny coincidence. It seems like it would be more central to your build, so I will leave it to you, and make use of other weapons.

Quote Originally Posted by remetagross View Post
I'm one of the two surviving players from the original campaign, we'll be playing together :) here's my original sheet.

My dude is Ux Utanar, a LG Dragonborn of Bahamut. He used to be a Knight 20 (and my I say held his own honorably enough against CR 20 encounters). But for fluff and mechanical reasons I've decided to shake things up a bit and to retrain him as a Vow of Poverty Dragonfire Adept 20.
My character is a Draconic Changeling, with her spells fluffed draconically (she is a Bard/Sublime Chord), so they should get along well.
She is seeking the Dragonsong, the cosmic song of progenitor dragons across the planes, that - she believes - embeds the powers of Creation and Balance (and hence Destruction too).

Let's summon the other returning player so they can share what they're playing: come, reveal yourself!