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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    just noticed this but I have been busy, I am interested.

    @GM - Questions and no I am sorry, I did not go through all the pages to see if they were asked.

    can we take a spell (IE: Haste) use the dmg p285 info to make it continuous and place that upon an item ?
    Haste: (3x5x2000x4) =120k

    Sources: I know you mentioned 1st party 3.5 stuff, but there are many 3.0 materials that I know were not updated. - Can we use those or would they need to be requested ?

    Race with LA: you did mention that LA can be bought off, you did not mention if templates were allowed and it is presumed if so they are also under the LA buyoff option

    Template request just in case
    Tauric Creature LA+3
    SS p132
    MM2 p216
    MM2 Update booklet p10
    can be added to added to any corporeal
    humanoid or monstrous humanoid of Small or Medium-size (referred to hereafter as the base humanoid)
    and any Medium-size or Large corporeal animal, magical beast, or vermin
    LA Base Humanoid +3 , There is never LA assigned to the Base Animal Side

    Dragon / Dungeon Magazine requests that I have ( I may or may not use these )
    Ranger-Knight of Furmundy drm#317
    Half-Nymph (DR313 p95)
    Fire-Souled Template (DR314 p23)
    Magic-Blooded (Dragon Magazine #306 p50)
    Half-Minotaur (DR313 p94)
    Sword of Celestia ACF (Dragon Mag. 349)
    Obah-Blessed (Dunggon Magazine #136, p.60)
    Theurgic Bond (Dragon #325 p62)
    Theurgic Mount (Dragon #325 p62)
    Holy Mount (Dragon #325 p62)
    Athasian Human (Dr319 p26)
    Crescent Knife (Dragon Magazine #275)

    Special Material Request
    Dwarven Blackrock (Godsteel) (this may be in planar metals)
    This masterwork material is a mixture of metal and stone,
    +3 To Hit, 2 sizes larger Damage, +1 Threat, +1 crit multiplier, +1 crit, damage +2, Adamantine, Magic, Blunt, 30 hardness, +10 hit points, +10% weight, 1600/lb
    All bonuses are MW; ignores up to 30 hardness vs. objects; immune to rust; item has best properties of steel or stone, Extremely Rare
    Like adamantine, dwarven blackrock easily penetrates the hardness of any other material.
    Due to its unusual nature as an alloy of metal and stone, godsteel items tend to be more sculpted and carved rather
    than hammered and forged. As a result, when purchasing an item made of dwarven blackrock, the customer must
    pay for at least three pounds of the material in order ensure enough working stock to make the desired object

    Dynamic Priest (Legends of the Twins P12)
    Academic Priest (Legends of the Twins P12)

    Requesting these Flaws

    Bravado: Don't gain any kind of dodge bonuses to your Armor Class (Dragon 328)

    Grudge Keeper: If damaged in combat you suffer a -2 penalty on attacks rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and ability checks until you damage the foe who caused you harm. (Dragon 328)

    Other Requests
    Lamanated (aeg mercenaries p91)
    Serrated (aeg mercenaries p92)

    Hurricane of Steel
    Last edited by samduke; 2024-04-24 at 07:24 AM.