Quote Originally Posted by JellyPooga View Post
If instead, stood next to the aforementioned horrible "halfling thief" stereotype, was a strapping former imperial legionary; armoured and armed with sword, shield, bow and tools, with the wit to use them, fleet of foot, strong of will and a tongue that's at once honeyed and razor sharp. A reliable ally no matter the circumstance, always where he's needed, precisely when he needs to be there. That's a very different image that the Rogue is capable of portraying.
That's indeed a very different image... and the question is if the rogue is actually capable of portraying it. In other words, do the rules back up what the flavor text suggests?

And the answer is, not really. The legionary is armoured but can only use light armor; has a shield but is not proficient in it; his strength of will is belied by his poor wisdom save; and he's not reliable with social skills until level 11.

So the rogue talks big, but his actions can't back it up. Huh, that just might be why people have an issue with the class.