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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Lake Superior

    Default Re: What drives a poor reputation for the Rogue class?

    Full disclosure, my experience may not reflect that of the general population here. The tables I play at tend towards low-medium optimization (no 'cheese' builds, an unspoken agreement to avoid scry and die tactics) but have higher power overall (1st level feats, rolled ability scores, or even gestalt rules).

    For most of these games, I've been the Rogue player. Generally, what I've found has been discussed extensively upthread; reliable, if somewhat conditional damage, combat mobility, and enough skills to play a generalist role in multiple fields while still specializing in another. It's one of the few classes that can reliably 'dual-class'; Ranger 5-9/Rogue X is probably my all time favorite build, but you can swap Ranger for Fighter, Barbarian, or even Paladin and still have a great experience.

    TL;DR, Rogue is best as a dual class, an enhancement to an Extra Attack martial (or gish!) who wants broad reliability over specializing/committing to a fullcaster track.
    Last edited by Rerem115; 2024-04-23 at 12:51 PM.