Barbs are very good in t1. Yes they're one note, but at no point in the game is that one note more applicable than in t1. They're tougher than everyone, hit harder than anyone, and it's a blast.

But they drop off badly and by t3 where they're playing the exact same game they played at t1 and even their numbers have barely changed (plus mental saving throws become more and more common), barb is not in a good place.

As to this thread as a whole, like the rogue defenders have come out in force. And like... No one is trying to change y'all's mind lol. If you like rogue, continue to do so! One of 5e's greatest achievements is that each class is perfectly playable, and that includes rogue. But like I said up thread, SOME class has to be last, and personally I think that's rogue. They're just playing a different game, and if 5e wasn't 5e, I'm sure I'd change my mind.

Remember, the OP was "why do rogues have a bad rep." Reputation isn't the same thing as an objective evaluation of the class. Rogue in particular is reliant on the DM making sure what the rogue can do comes up and is valuable in the game. Lots of DMs don't do that, or don't do it though, thus rogues have a bad rep.