Quote Originally Posted by Yas392 View Post
OK. Should I post conditionals then (e.g If Skaravus or Stylianos attacks orc and there is flanking position available, he slides down the cliff and flanks the orc. Otherwise, he will attack from afar by hurling force javelins at the orc before Skaruvus and Stylianos reaches the squares that prevents him from flanking and attacks the orc)?

EDIT: I will go ahead post the rolls. Since ranged and melee have the same modifier only boosted by terrain (higher ground) or position (flanking).

EDIT2: Edited IC post. Feel free to adjust modifiers for Djin, CircleNavigator, if Stylianos get into melee or into position that allows Djin to flank. He acts before Djin.
Conditionals are helpful, especially coupled with posting the rolls. Thanks.