Okay, so I've pretty much settled on making Tabella a mapmaker-rogue. I'm guessing that Complete Champion counts as being part of the Complete series, which would make Knowledge devotion okay. Is the Education feat also okay? It looks like it appears in three different campaign settings with the same, "+1 to two knowledge skills and all knowledge skills are class skills for you," effect. I decided against Wilderness Rogue because I already decided Tabella was born and raised in the Hylian capital, so I imagine she'd qualify for this setting's version of Education.

Spoiler: Story Time
According to prophecy, when darkness descends upon Hyrule, the person holding the triforce of wisdom will be the only child of a widower king. The current Hylian royal family understandably tries to avoid creating that situation. In addition to funding loads of research into preventing and treating the ever-present scourge of complications in childbirth, they maintain a system of nobility that includes an extended family with multiple cousins and siblings, many of them adopted.

Tabella Z. Hyland is the child of one such adopted cousin. She's a member of that peculiar class that claims nobility, but has no actual land under their custody, meaning they must find something else to do to justify their existence. For most of her noble classmates, this amounted to joining the knighthood or working for a living alongside the commoners, not that doing so ever stops one's title from going to one's head. Their work often turns to creating leadership positions for themselves among various guilds, guard chapters, and schools of the arts.

While Tabella does not really have a knack for leadership, nor even for arts and crafts, struggling with potions and pottery and the like, the art of mapmaking has enthralled her attention since she was a child. She would go out and fill pages with grid lines and icons and illustrations. Her mother, a knight, once came home to find one of Tabella's creations proudly hung on the wall, and was forced to confiscate it as a risk to Castle Town security because it revealed too much about their access points and defenses. Nonetheless, she kept at it, looking at every resource she could find for maps of the country and the world. To her disappointment, most extant maps are at least a hundred years old. Hyrule doesn't really have a guild of cartography or anything to update them. Most towns these days were founded since the last map of Hyrule was made, and those towns don't even have maps of their own when you do find them!

"What does a little town need a map for?" you might ask. "Everyone there knows where everything is. You can just ask them." To which Tabella would look away and make some noncommital noises because she really doesn't want to talk to a stranger if she can help it, even as an adult. She'll make the town map for you and post it by the road so that people like her can know where everything is. And the postal service! Everyone loves the postal service. What happens when they hire a new Rito guy who has never seen most of Hyrule before, huh? Don't you want him to have an accurate map to go on? Of course you do.

So, this is Tabella's noble mission: to set out to every corner of Hylian territory, map it out, and file it back home in the house of her newly-established guild of cartography. She and the party are currently the guild's only members. Leadership doesn't come easily to her.