Jerciho follows the group to the Brewery, which with it's rich smells and odors, he enjoys far more than the dirty town they entered.

After listening to the dour Tress he frowns, Ians sister would not be happy to hear her brother has fallen to the sickness.

He nods at the others suggesting we help, it was the only course of action to assist Ian upstairs.

"Agreed, it's the only way to help Mast Redwood." he turns to Tress "Tress, do you recall the first time you heard of the sleeping sickness?"


M NG Half-Orc, the Dalelands Barbarian 1/Druid 4/Warhsaper 1
Level 6, Init 9, HP 49/49, Speed 40, 60 (in predator form)
AC 19, Touch 13, Flat-footed 16
Fort 7, Ref 5, Will 6
Stats Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 6
Condition Immune to stunning & critical hits
Abilities Animal Devotion [1/1], belt of healing [3/3], anklets of translocation [2/2]