Quote Originally Posted by Derges View Post
Glad you decided to homebrew, It's what I scrolled down to suggest. Good luck I'm sure you'll rock it.

Honestly, it's less work than running a published adventure once you get down to it*. Since a proper running of a published adventure takes two or more reads through the material vs thinking of something noting it down then remembering it.

*unless you run the published adventure multiple times for a cafe or something.
Agreed! I've run PotA twice and hated it both times. Also never finished it -- once was a TPK and the other was the players getting pissed at each other during a session and ending it.

With homebrew, you only need an overall plot, a few set events, and flexibility to allow the players to interact with the world and the story as it develops. You don't have to try to figure out how to get them to follow the publication.