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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Players characters evading direct questions

    Quote Originally Posted by GloatingSwine View Post
    The thing is Talakeal is expecting the players to give information that the Court will use to understand that it is their fight, but the players don't know the information means that, so they can't possibly know that they should be saying it.

    They're being asked for a password they don't know is the password, obliquely enough that they don't even know they're being asked for a password, and Talakeal is wondering why they are evading direct questions!

    The only way they "answer" the question is just by spewing out words until they hit on the right one completely by accident.
    I mean, I can sort of understand the players in this situation but saying that "revealing more about the situation at hand" equals "spewing out words until they hit on the right one completely by accident" seems like quite a stretch.

    As for the problem itself, I've certainly experienced players being a little too cautious/paranoid for their own good, but I don't think it's been the default among people I've played with. If I was the GM in this situation, I would probably just let it play out (the characters can be unnecessarily paranoid too) and maybe mention it afterwards to possibly avoid the situation in the future (then again, in the future revealing too much might be the wrong choice, so y'know... )

    Of course, if the issue is that they don't actually remember the details, that's a different problem entirely.
    Last edited by Batcathat; 2024-04-22 at 07:49 AM.