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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: W20/V20: Under A Blood Red Moon (Seeking ST and Interest)

    Thanks for doing this truename!

    Spoiler: APPLICATION

    1. The "Elevator Pitch." This is a high-energy, high-intensity description of what this character brings to the table. Imagine you're in an elevator with a Netflix exec and you only have a couple of floors to sell them on a mini-series about this character. You don't have time for the whole backstory, just the essentials. The core. The real juicy stuff. Tell me that.

    "A Shadow Lord Galliard, Danica "Sings-the-Thunder" Radec, who was captain of their High School wrestling and Ice Hockey teams and now beats an electrical guitar and vocals on stage for their punk-metal band, Stormcrow. They've got the size, the presence and the charisma and **** you energy to grow the passion of a revolution right up Pentex's ass."

    2a. How did you get the Call to go to war in Chicago? Where were you? Who told you? What are your motivations for answering?

    They were born near the West Chicago Prairie Forest and grew up on the outskirts their whole life. Their father was a French immigrant who died early into her life in a car-crash, while her mother is a Slav and kinfolk of the local Shadow Lords. They're a native born and raised to the area and along with regular trips to Detroit, it's what they know.

    3b. Tell me about someone your character hopes/dreads/expects to run into in Chicago, for any reason. Friend, foe, ally, villain. Tell me why you hope/dread/expect to meet them and why.

    Sophia Doyle. She's an older ancillae Toreador who's connected to the music and entertainment industry of Chicago. As she's getting close to a hundred years old, she's a savvy businesswoman, while her Humanity 8 means she feels each tough decision and doesn't stink of the wyrm. She's also taken chances and given unknown bands chances, some of which have panned out, some of which haven't, but she's more connection to the human element and soul of music and its effect on the spirit than any corporate desk-jockey ever could be. She came up during the Jazz Age as a dancer and singer, and so her love for music and its stirring passions is still very much alive, even if her body isn't.

    This Shadow Lord has encountered her before - they both know each others true nature. She's warned Sophia that she's willing to play business partners, but if they cross swords in the field or her kin come under attack from the leeches, she won't hesitate to do what must be done.

    4. Tell me one way that your character exactly matches a common stereotype of their Tribe, Breed, or Auspice. And tell me one way they directly defy a common stereotype of their Tribe, Breed, or Auspice.

    Matches the Common Stereotype - Galliard.
    They're fantastic with a guitar and have a powerful set of lungs and if the Ahroun isn't around they're your best bet in a scrap.

    Doesn't match the Common Stereotype - Shadow Lord.
    Being in the music scene of both Chicago and Detroit, they've run into their share of Toreador vampires, and being a Garou, they've had to learn the best ways to 'motivate' or tip-toe around other rage-filled werewolves...so the character can be manipulative. However, they tend to rely on their natural charisma to motivate and inspire instead of deceive and sleight-of-hand, with their instincts for manipulation helping them direct where it'll best be applied.

    5. What are your preferred pronouns?
    Their pronouns would be she/her.

    6. Imagine we've been playing together for a while and I PM you and say that one of your Gifts, Merits or other trait is causing me a problem (too powerful, clashes thematically, etc). You disagree with my assessment. You don't see the problem I describe and can't really see where I'm coming from. How would you approach this? How would your approach differ if it was something non-mechanical your character is doing that I have an issue with? What if it was something you (the player) were doing Out of Character?

    I'd need a touch more context, and know how much of a major thing it is. As a general rule of thumb I prefer a harmonious gaming environment, as I know how easily that can gey soured online, so I'd try to accommodate as best I could, as a general rule of thumb.

    Like, I've got my limits, and if so much changes are occuring the game is no longer fun to write for, I'll need to reconsider hanging around. But as a general rule, I'm fine with some alterations for the sake of harmony and having fun together.

    7. Again, imagine we've been playing together for a while. One of the other players has a cool plan that depends on a certain rule working a certain way. The player checks with me and I okay it. You know I'm wrong. Not in a 'different interpretation' sort of way, but factually, objectively wrong. That's just not how the rule works and you know it. What do you do? How would your approach differ if it was me (the ST) whose cool plan depended on a rule that I had wrong? What if it was your cool plan?

    I'm relatively easy going with occasional stickler to rules (because without rules there's no certainy, it's chaos), but on the whole I'd be fine with letting it slide if it just gets changed/homebrewed for future purposes. I'm a mixture of Story Trumps Rules while liking the framework that rules provide, otherwise we might as well be playing freeform, ya know?

    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2024-04-21 at 10:17 PM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger