Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
Marcella leads Arl through the ship, doing their best to soften their echoing footsteps as they make their way toward the ship's cockpit. It was Marcella's assessment that the vessel's navigation cogitator and travel logs would be held there. As they draw nearer, the hallways begins to narrow, and the lights dim further. Then they hear the sound of footfalls drawing closer, though there is no door or hallways to duck into.

Marcella finds an area of the wall dressed heavily in shadow to slip into, but Arl is not as fast and does not have the benefit of warp powers. A pair of malnourished men lumber into view, both dressed in the coveralls of the dock workers. One man is hairy like an ape but damp with sweat, and carrying a metal toolbox that must weight nearly 20kg. The other one is hairless and skeletal, his sallow face half hidden under a fire-protective visor. The two catch sight of Arl, not yet noticing Marcella. The big one with the tool box nods his head in greeting towards Arl, but says, "We got everything repaired over here. Lookin' for something?" There is only a hint of suspicion in his voice.
Arl nods a greeting in return, putting a look of confusion and aggravation on his face. "Nah, someone just pullin' a prank on the new guy, tellin' me to get stuff from the forward hold." he said sourly. He sidled up towards them, his right hand rubbing on the fabric of his coverall, his left slipping into the rings of the brass knuckles in his pocket. Arl consciously maneuvered to allow Marcella to slip past these two while he distracted them. "C'n you tell me how to get back to the loadin' area? I have to kick someone's arse for this waste of time."