Mark had been looking under the fallen tree to see if there was anything of interest when Mina called out, and he bustled on over to check what she'd found. Not recognizing it, because he still wasn't a berry expert, he pulled out his pokedex and checked his berry app to figure out what it did... and his eyes grew wide. "We need as many of these as we can possibly get. And we need to make sure they aren't eaten before they get harvested." Blanket status curing?! What the heck, that was so good! "Put that in one of your planters next... or maybe we should pool money together to buy more portable planters for me, Pinklady, Akio or Less? I don't know. We're just never going to have enough of those."

The revival herb went into his bag, of course. It might be bitter and make his pokemon grumpy, but it was a revive when they needed it.