Morazzt the Mound, feeling not so well about this whole business all of a sudden, primarily on account of the cold bones punching Morazzt the Mound continuously in some odd way that is particularly unpleasant, mutters an apologetic SOrRRy. to the sad remains of the dragon creature, and with a quick tap on Morazzt the Mound in the hope of recharging Morazzt the Mound somewhat, plods after Bommel.

Spoiler: OOC

Alright, standard action Shocking Grasp on self for (1d4)[2] points of temporary CON;
move action move the heck out of that accursed room onto MN16/17, taking the AoO if there's one; and
rolling for another manuever to join Mountain Hammer and Stone Bones on the list of readied stuff: (1d3)[3]