Quote Originally Posted by ominak View Post
is there any god that have the war domain that are like: i dont care what you do as long as you fight?
Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
This is true so here's some settings OP:

Faerun - Garagos seems to fit this
Golarion - Gorum works here
Krynn - Sargonnas has the War domain I think
Eberron - The Fury seems closest to this
Respectfully, Psyren, I disagree.

Faerun: Tempus fits better here. He values berserkers as well as cold tactics (Garagos is just the brutal savagery aspect). His one oddity is that he forbids his followers from harassing those of Eldath, goddess of peace, because he believes war is best highlighted and elevated by occasional (brief) periods of peace.

Wildly disagree on Eberron. The Fury is not a war deity. She is a deity of passion and emotion (and technically love). The Mockery is a war deity. And the Mockery most exemplifies the concept of victory over any other tenets of war. Some still worship him as Dol Azur, part of the Three Faces of War cult.