Name: Hartshot

Ways to Contact: Telegram (@pawprinttypist) Discord (.pawprinttypist)

Posting Frequency: 2-3 Times Per Week guaranteed, more if I find the availability.

Type of Campaign: D&D 5e / 3.5e

Types of Characters: Bard / Warlock / Fighter / Cleric

Old Characters:

>Allistor - Dachshund LE Warlock (Dungeons and Doggies Sourcebooks)

>Krusk - Half-Orc LE Cleric (5e)

>Aenor Thrumbark - Halfling Fighter, Archery NG (3.5e)

Old Campaigns: N/A

Other Information:

I write short stories, so if you'd like an example of my narrative style just ask and I'll send you a paragraph or two so we can figure out what works best for the story you're trying to showcase. I tend to be long-winded, but I can absolutely limit myself if shorter posts are preferred. I'm used to Forum-Based RP, this will be my first foray into actually playing a D&D story through it with dice rolls. I'm also extremely easy to talk to, so don't hesitate to reach out.