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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Lansdale, PA

    Default Re: Return of the Runelords, Book 1: Secrets of Roderic's Cove [IC]

    Alandra sips her tea and smiles at their hostess.
    “Thank you so much for the rooms at the inn and the tea! It’s lovely!”
    Why everyone makes such a big deal over dirty water, Alandra will never understand.

    “We had a very productive day yesterday at Sir Roderick’s home. We met his specter and found some clues that might help us!”

    Alandra rises from the table and takes on what she hopes is an undead pose. Then, with her best Sir Roderick’s ghost voice, she recounts their encounter:
    “and the ghost of Sir Roderick said: “The cove. The stone house in the wood. The gauntlet. Save them. My map. The key.”
    ”…and then he said in a different room!:“My map. They took my map. It holds the key. To the vault. Baraket will control them. It will control you! I should have taken the gauntlets, but I fled. I was a coward. You must be brave. You must endure where I did not. The vault. It lies still in the vault. You must save my Cove. Save. My. Cove”

    Alandra regains her normal pose and sits. “We found a map to a “stone house” in the Churlwood and a sword case marked Baraket in the house. I think the map may be found in the town’s archives.”

    Alandra smiles at the elf sexton and asks “What do you think?”
    Last edited by Blackhawk101; 2024-04-16 at 01:35 PM.