After setting up the traps just as Chad comes back to the group. Thats a good lass. he says Once again looking at the young human woman.

When the projectiles hit hasgraek has but barely a moment to react with a warning. Had he not perhaps conner and aupti would have been more injured. DOWN! he bellows much as he would have had he been in a battle with his clan by his side. He didn't know if it actually helped but once he looked up from being prone he knew he'd have to look away. They weren't severely bleeding but there was enough to rile his insides up. Still looking away Are you lads ok? showing concern for the 2 lads. He stood up and looked at the blob that landed aways away. No way whatever they were trying to do with that survived the impact... had it even been more then just a dead body that is. In order to distract himself from the blood he busied himself setting up the area with the new rubble that had formed. He says to Chad ay lass sometimes in sieges the enemy just wants you sick and scared. Remember why you fighting no matter the reason. It will steel yer nerves. just before the mass has begun moving....of course... undead.