Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Samurai View Post
It's so easy for people to say "you don't need a healer in 5E" and "you don't need a tank in 5E".

But the utility caster... all of a sudden you're changing world lore, you're being a burden on the DM, you have no agency!!!!
Funny thing, I'd disagree with all three statements unless you have a pretty good GM who will intervene in the usual & expected game defaults to enable nonstandard parties. You can write adventures to not require any specific spells from PC casters pretty easily (not discussing if its done well or badly in any specific instance). But the combat paradigm of tank + heals + dps is less obvious, more assumed, and kind of baked in to the "adventuring day" stuff.

Like if you're running the usual 3-4 hard fights per "day" on small restricted maps (because indoors or outdoor VTT/battlemat maps or official module maps) with negligible meaningful cover (walk around/ jump over/ flying/ so small) then then as soon as you're past the "6 goblins in a bush" type of stuff healing becomes required and someone to take attacks from 3+ melee monsters a round is quite important. I'd be facinated to hear from anyone who ran a full published campaign past level 5 (out of the abyss, etc.) where the party never had any "tanks" and/or "healers" and the GM ran it as a neutral arbiter rather than changing it to fit the party.