Quote Originally Posted by Infernally Clay View Post
It's not that weird. The whole point of the prequel trilogy is to show how the galaxy ended up the way that it did in the original trilogy, to show that the Jedi Order and the Republic itself were both well past their prime and rife with a mixture of arrogance, corruption and hypocrisy and how Palpatine took advantage of that to crush them both and establish the Empire.

Nobody is saying everything was the Jedi's fault but it's a little odd that some of you are so resistant to the idea that the Jedi were flawed and had lost their way and made dumb mistakes, especially given how it's so clearly spelt out. Kinda makes me wonder what exactly you thought was going on. Did you not see how the Jedi Council was explicitly antagonistic towards Anakin, the Byronic hero the first six movies were ultimately about, or did you simply agree with the Council and not see why they were wrong to do what they did?

The Jedi Order was no longer what it once was and that'll be proven with The Acolyte, since it's set during a time when the Jedi Order was much more like the one Obi-Wan saw it as.
Its easy to say "this was wrong" but there is a pretty stark absence of what alternative measures they should have taken. Palpatine set things up to pretty harshly compel them to take these specific paths, so its not like they had a lot of choice about the things they did, especially involving the Clones. They knew something was up, but given the whole "enemy government led by someone trying to destroy us, specifically" thing going on, its not like they can just put the clones away until they know more about them. The CIS rolling over the Republic due to their lack of an army isnt the victory Palpatine expected, but he would sure take it if the Jedi gave it to him.