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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (OOC D&D 3.5)

    With a favorable forecast and the first rays of morning breaking the horizon, all onboard the Harmonious Spirit gather on the main deck. To see off those being sent into the unknown. The captain sits stiff and upright in his wheelchair at the front of the delegation, his legs covered with a blanket. The mood somber and quiet.

    “Tell me Father,” asks a man run through, The hilt of a fine sword protrudes from his back, the point puncturing his breastplate. “Do you really believe you can end twenty years of war with a single expedition?”

    “The arrogance!” Declares a younger man, who walks the deck in his bloody night clothes, his body peppered with arrows. “Even if you could, you’ll never be able to undo what has already been done.”

    The third man, younger still, confronts his father with a horrid scream. His blistered and burned form unable to articulate his anguish. Captain Fairhorn snaps back to reality with a shake of his head, dismissing his delusions.

    The ship’s boat old and rough but intact and seaworthy, creaks and knocks as it is lowered into the water. Those climbing onboard pass by rows of stolid faces, furrowed brows and pressed lips. Words are spoken, the same words spoken to the condemned. A call for mercy from those above. A horn is blown, once upon release, and again at final sighting as those brave souls are swallowed by the horizon.

    Time Dawn
    Moon New
    Temp Cold
    Aurora No
    Precipitation None
    Terrain Ocean

    We begin our campaign with the party landing on that distant shore. Players are positioned at the start of an open-air dungeon. Uncovering more of the map as the players explore.

    Quest Items
    Scientific Samples

    Enter The IC
    Roll Your Dice
    Last edited by CircleNavigator; 2024-04-15 at 01:36 PM.