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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Default The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Location: Barren Shore

    Sheer cliffs abut the shoreline in places before dramatically retreating back, leaving behind a mile wide beach. Cold desolate ground littered with a million tiny stones. A deep fjord cuts dramatically into the interior. A valley carved by retreating glaciers extends and elevates into the distance, flanked tightly by spiring mountains. Though which a river slices until it reaches the sea. Equally bisecting rolling fields of hearty grasses six miles across at their widest point. Bountiful schools of fish swarm the waters of the estuary returning to the streams from which they hatched.

    Positioned prominently at the entrance to the valley is a gruesome sight. Far enough inland from the delta for the ground to harden, suspended from a set of chains arcing across the towering stones of a narrow canyon is the mutilated body of an orc. Slack metal pierces his frame as he dangles high overhead for all to see. His throat has been cut, staining the front of his leather armor. Ritualistic cuttings on his face and arms indicate his tribal allegiance.

    Spoiler: Lore: Skincutting
    Roll knowledge to find out what your character knows about skincutting.

    Time Dusk
    Moon New
    Temp Cold
    Aurora No
    Precipitation None
    Terrain Tundra
    Last edited by CircleNavigator; 2024-04-15 at 03:24 AM.