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Thread: Ideas for taking druid multiclass to 15

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Default Re: Ideas for taking druid multiclass to 15

    My honest answer is D&D at level 15+ is just kinda nutty. Essentially you are asking if an action to heal 2d6 + 5 to a few targets and/or escape is worth simply going cl1 mk1 dr13, which or basically one cast of a level 7 spell per long rest… to which if all you care about is optimizing the hands down winner is a level 7 Druid spell.

    Like, heal for 2d6 or turn into a dragon? Heal for 2d6 or literally turn the entire battlefield into an inferno. Heal for 2d6 or… you get the idea :)

    Really high level D&D gets so silly you kind of need to have a few aces up your sleeve. Here is a few examples of what a level 13 Druid can do that a level 12 can not.

    You can cast Draconic transformation before wildshape. Which means you can be an earth elemental or giant scorpion or whatever that has a 60ft cone breath weapon as a bonus action… and you can fly. Flying force breathing giant scorpion is almost as cool as a teleporting assassin one.

    You can cast firestorm and turn into a fire elemental and fight inside the maelstrom.

    Or you could just cast whirlwind and sit back and have a good time watching
    Enemies get ejected upwards of 180ft in a random direction… and that’s the best outcome for them!

    Or you could take a level in peace cleric and heal you and your pals for 2d6… +5. :)
    Last edited by Sherlockpwns; 2024-04-14 at 03:38 AM.