When I was 20 an in-brain computer interface still sounded like something I would want. Now it just sounds like an expensive way to get myself more addicted to Youtube while they're selling my every thought to advertizers. And after I crash my car while being too engaged with my in-brain computer law inforcement will read out my location and activity feed from the server and I'll be convicted, but I miss a night of sleep in the police cell which makes me miss a security update so I die from an infection caused by some overheating or minor electric jolt that a virus managed to cause.

An extension of my thinking with more calculating and formal logic power with very limited if any connectivity to the outside world might still sound a little awesome, but I'll probably be too old to like even that idea by the time it comes around. I've been living in the future for the past 24 years after all (yes, the future began in the year 2000, when else?), and I don’t know what I expected, but how it's turning out is starting to wear on me.