okay question about this one -
Point buy 28 or standard 4d6b3 x6 if you are feeling lucky
is this a choose one or the other type thing or can we default back to point buy if the rolls suck ?

Rynea, embarked on a perilous journey into the desolate remnants of what was once the fourth human kingdom. Armed with her keen senses and unwavering determination, she navigated the harsh terrain, where ruins stood as silent witnesses to a forgotten past. Her quest was not for treasure or glory but for answers to a pressing mystery: the mysterious illness afflicting newborns across the realm. With every step, Rynea studied the land's subtle changes, searching for signs of life and ancient knowledge hidden amidst the desolation. Her journey was fraught with challenges, from treacherous terrain to encounters with remnants of long-lost civilizations. Yet, Rynea pressed on, driven by a sense of duty to uncover the truth and bring hope to those in need.