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Thread: Will science end?

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    Titan in the Playground

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    Apr 2012

    Default Re: Will science end?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maximum77 View Post
    One of the biggest questions that keeps me up at night is whether science will "end" and there will be no more discoveries to be made. I fear this because I use science as a sort-of religion to keep me happy and sane. I also believe that if our society stagnates in progress, it will mean the end of us as a species.

    Its of course, impossible to tell if science will end as time will continue and we will only know when that comes to an end. However, are there any clues that may lead to us concluding that the universe is infinite or finite in complexity.

    Someone gave an argument for it being infinite-"Believing that science has covered most or all the fundamentals is short-sighted and probably wrong. It is similar to saying "we have come to the last number"

    Someone also gave an argument for it being finite-"Yes. It is true. There will be significant details which will emerge to tweak the systems a bit but the grand narrative is coming to its end. Science had a beginning and it will have an end. We will always hit a limitation of time and space."

    Who do you believe is correct. I can't decide. I am 50/50, more divided than I've ever been in life.

    As someone who works in science-based academia...I beseech and implore you with all the earnest at my command to turn away from this portion of society and cease to treat it as your fountain of happiness lol. Get married, have kids, join a community at church, talk to your neighbors, volunteer for community service, read books at an old persons home, do meals on wheels, grow vegetables in your backyard and sell them at farmers markets etc do something, anything that forges meaningful connections to others in your proximity, but don't rely on our growing understanding and ability to manipulate/work with creation as a religious source of happiness and sanity lol.

    Science is a tool to understand, manipulate, work with and exploit creation to our benefit, and I contribute to it as best as I can. Science is wonderful, but it is not to be worshiped, nor are those of us within its apparatus - we're human, fallible and vulnerable to all the vices of man, from envy, to pride, greed and wrath.

    That little speech aside, the answer is never. Science is cataloguing and understanding the natural processes and behaviours of the natural world. Even if we nuke ourselves back into the stone age and 99.99% of humans on earth perish in the calamity, that still leaves ~780,000 of us across the world learning which rocks are best to strike together and at what angle so that fire can be sparked, meat can be cooked, spears can be carbonized and torches can be used to keep the mutant wolves at bay while we throw our javelins at them. We survived the ice age equipped with little more than animal skins and pointy sticks - we're pretty good at long-term comebacks.

    The other direction is continuing on our current path, where we'll probably end up uploading our minds via neuralink into computers and cloning/growing new bodies we can download ourselves into for essential immortality. Even in such a fantastical outcome, there'll always be more to learn and more to discover. There is a literal galaxy out there of things to discover and learn, and we, out here on our spiral-arm of the Milky Way are billions of years behind and 25,000-28,000 light years away from the centre of that galaxy. The more you understand, the more you realise how very little we know.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2024-04-12 at 08:30 AM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger