
Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Genius View Post
Bolt and AGR scoop up Lisa as before and fly as quickly as possible back toward DC. AGR gives a play-by-play of the events at the "secret hideout" as they fly.

"Multiple people have entered the headquarters. MPD is on the scene, but are receiving instructions to fall back despite being fired upon. Now they are being told to return to base, but they are hesitating because no one else has arrived to secure the situation. Lisa, if they leave, the thieves will take everything and possibly I will fall from the sky. What should we do?"

You are still 30 minutes away.

Lisa could only stare at her phone in utter frustration. A deep-seated part of her wanted to transform into Fury and simply bound recklessly across the landscape, leaping and catapulting herself up and over any obstacle and clearing vast swathes of land at a time. But she knew that should she enter the city perimeter in such an...aggravated state of mind, there was no telling how easily she would become distracted.

And so, she simply had to be patient.

"Told to return to base? What the - ?!?!"

Lisa's next set of words were drowned out by the howling wind and the speed with which the trio passed through the atmosphere.

"Set up a perimeter at least so they cannot escape you useless f - !!!!"

That damn wind again swooped by once more to render Lisa as mouthing furiously, but with no sound to her words.