As it takes half of the group just to keep Sadar from dying, natural constitution or no, Mauricio swears to pick up some antidote before their next escapade. There might be no second chance.

While the others puzzle out the pillars, Mauricio finds himself drawn to the raised dais in the room. Bringing out his hooded lantern, the tiefling doctor raises possibilities before dismissing them. He doesn't look at Kharesh when he gives his opinion.

"I would most certainly advocate for the safekeeping of our four-legged transport. The thought of walking back to Katapesh certainly does not appeal to me.

But before that... That symbol..."
Mauricio strokes his chin thoughtfully. "I am not one for gut instinct, but something about the sigil seems off. Let us take a look before we take a plunge."
Perception: (1d20+10)[19]
Adding a +1 circumstance bonus from Pursue a Lead
Mauricio Averni
HP: 35/35
AC: 18
Class DC: 19
Speed: 25
Fort: +6
Ref: +8
Will: +9
Perception: +9
Feats: Forensic Acumen, That's Odd, Battle Medicine, Ward Medic, Keen Recollection, Continual Recovery, Doctor's Visitation