The youngest daughter of one of the Thanes, Minerva decided not to wait her brothers to answer the call of the Thanes to figure out what happened to the doomed realm: despise their father being almost blind and very old, her brothers had sons and daughters and the luxury of their courts that held them back into crusading into certain death.

She however had an upcoming marriage she wanted to postpone as much as she wanted: her own.

So in an attempt to trick the fate her father chose to her, she decided to join the Thanes who were going into the destroyed kingdom and perhaps figure out what terrible curse was stealing the light out of her people's eyes.

So she made sure her father's firstborn's chalice was always full during the feast they threw in the eve of his departure and stole his horse and took the provisions for herself and met the other Thanes, claiming she was there as her father's chosen champion: even wearing her brother's face as disguise.

Once her ruse was found out, some of they laughed and some were pissed, but her inspiring words, combat prowess and courage convinced she was no ordinary woman.

She was tailed by Amelia, her handmaiden, who made an oath to advice, serve and protect her, even if against her will.

Spoiler: Minerva of House Glam
Minerva is a skilled combatent and orator, being able to inspire heroism to legions and lead them to whatever fate have to offer them.

She's a Chaotic/Good human, Fighter 4 / Bard 2 / War Chanter 10.

She favors the greataxe, but she's honestly trained in pretty much any weapon. She knows a few magical tricks, but her real magic is the ability to inspire people to live the kind of legendary tales people will sing about.

Her cohort is a seamstress and advisor. Also a competent arcane spellcaster capable of weaving illusory magic to veil Minerva and herself into the actual chosen's of her old father.