
AC:13 HP: 10/10
PPer:13 PInv:14 PIst:9
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

He passes a nod to beatrice in thanks before the other bones met him in melee. Surprised by the speed the bones managed to reach him hasgraek hastily dropped his bow which caused it to land on the ground below. Not worrying about that however he grabs his smaller lighter war pick and one of his daggers. The warpick he jams into the bones ribs and pulls hard taking some rib with it. As the bones pull forward normally he would jam his dagger into the ribs as well but instead he stabs his dagger into its head. It falls to a pile of bones that hasgraek kicks from the roof. He drops his dagger where the bow lay and climbs down to try and retrieve it soon and perhaps join the melee. Im coming ta help.