So this just came up in our last session: Dispel Magic was cast on a character who had a Shadow Blade. For the sake of time we went with SB was dispelled, but I think it’s a valid argument that it wouldn’t be.

Pertinent RAW:

Dispel Magic:
“Choose one creature, object, or magical effect within range.”

Shadow Blade:
“You weave together threads of shadow to create a sword of solidified gloom in your hand. This magic sword lasts until the spell ends. It counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient.”

So it’s not exactly clear cut, but since DM distinguishes that you choose either a creature or object, it seems apparent that the SB is distinct from whomever is holding it in terms of what DM effects. The caster of DM would need to choose whether they’re targeting the creature holding the SB or the SB itself. SB is clearly an object, as it’s a created “sword of solidified gloom” that “counts as a simple melee weapon”. I don’t think anyone is arguing that simple melee weapons or swords aren’t objects, but let me know if you disagree with that.

This caused me to think of similar instances were DM wouldn’t work and the first that popped to mind was Magic Weapon (which coincidentally was also cast on during our last session). Were DM cast on a character holding a weapon that had MW on it, the DM wouldn’t affect the MW spell as the weapon is an object, and a creature was targeted.

The other spell that came to mind was Creation: “You pull wisps of shadow material from the Shadowfell to create a nonliving object of vegetable matter within range.” As it likewise creates an object, it wouldn’t be dispelled if the creature holding the created item was targeted by DM (also it’s created apparently by the same shadow substance as SB).

Wondering any other thoughts on this. Hadn’t ever considered the creature vs object nature of DM before this came up so open to hearing other thoughts on it.