Fornjót Power Associates’ company website gives a headquarters address in Colorado Springs. Liliana's contacts get back to her; Gunnar Forson (possibly a slight mispronounciation by the satyr?) is a large, well-built man who serves as the CEO for Fornjót Power Associates. He rarely gives interviews, but he’s well spoken, handsome and quite intelligent. He holds an amazing 44% share in the company’s publicly traded stock. His business practices are within standard tolerences for a CEO: his respect for the law is distinctly borderline, but he's never done anything that would make going after him worth the DA's office's time. He resides in a large alpine estate high in the Rockies, and, in his rare interviews, described his interests as skiing, hiking, baseball, and arm-wrestling. He votes Libertarian. Business Week named him one of the Most Eligible CEO-Bachelors of 2023.

Fornjót Power Associates manufactures an energy drink called Slam! The company website touts the herbal essences in Slam!, but from the ingredient list, it appears that its kick has more to do with caffeine and sugar. Assuming, that is, that there isn't anything in Slam! that isn't on the ingredients list.

The name Mog Raznosgolar, on the other hand, isn't readily found online in any likely spelling.

It's not hard to find the area the satyr indicated Mog is likely to be in, but most maps of that area seem to be years old.
Spoiler: OOC
Make an Intelligence+Investigation roll, Liliana.

Fleshing out your contacts would help, but it's not urgent.