I added a link to the world map (at least as much as I have drawn so far) to the Big 16.

Quote Originally Posted by Infernally Clay View Post
Oh Blood Hunter is allowed? Can I use wisdom instead of intelligence, as the tooltip says?

Quote Originally Posted by Infernally Clay View Post
As for the secondary curse, since Lucian will be a lycanthropic Blood Hunter, how about we tweak the curse you describe? Bloodlust is a feature of the Lycanthrope subclass that, when you're transformed, forces a wisdom saving throw (DC 8) when you start your turn with less than half health otherwise you attack the nearest creature regardless of whether they're friend or foe. So how about I still make death saving throws as normal but if I roll lower than an 8, I go into an uncontrolled frenzy until the next dawn?
Ether we bump that to the regular death saving throw numbers or if somehow you manage to roll 9 three times in a row you actually die.

Rather then being unconscious while making these saves against transformation you are awake and thrashing around as you spend your action making the saves. This way you can do the classic tearing your clothes off while running away and making a mess scene.