Originally Posted by tonberryking
Also, is there a collective reason the party is traveling through the Ashenwood, like we work as caravan guards or something? Or do we each have our own reasons for it?

There is indeed a reason you’re all traveling together, but each of you will have your individual histories and motivations for being out in the world, which is what I’d like you to focus on in your backgrounds. Once you have those sketched out, I’ll have a better sense of how you all came together.

Originally Posted by tonberryking
And are any archetypes of the allowed classes banned, like Bladebound magus, or as long as it's paizo, it goes?
Most should be okay, but something like bladebound would need a bit of thought. For now, go with what fits your concept, and if something raises concerns we can see about an alternative.

Originally Posted by greenflame133
I'm thinking magic-less mounted bloodrager, if bloodrager is allowed? Not sure about the race, I love changeling but they mey not fit the setting.
For reasons particular to this setup, I’d prefer to avoid mounted PCs.

As for changelings, it depends which version. The Pathfinder changeling is fine, but the 3.5 changeling wouldn’t fit here.

Originally Posted by ProgressPaladin
I aim to play an inquisitor. Would that work with the setting? What sort of god would I be serving?
What kind of divine power would you like to serve? We can come up with something that fits your concept.

I’m still sketching out the setting, so everyone can feel free to be as creative as they like with their backstories. I can’t guarantee I’ll use everything, but it’s an opportunity to help me fill in aspects of the setting.