and on the plot retcons / recontextualizing

Spoiler: I think if I would be more cool with it, rewrites the manga

if we had All for One being involved for decades, all according to plan, etc

I think I would be cool with it , if Tenko Shimura had his original quirk of destroy and recreation, but it was stolen and modified before it manifested so it could only destroy.

Thus metaphors about the symbol of peace, the young kid Tenko playing with blocks, creating worlds like other kids do with dolls and so on. But all that societal expectation and especially Tenko’s parents drama with their own baggage and trauma. If no space is given to nurture and add to the existing super-structure , to allow it to be flexible and adapt.

Of course a kid will lash out and enjoy knocking things over. Be abusive to a young boy and of course the kid will become a monster and lose the ability to see else worlds.

But that is me trying to rewrite the manga.


One does not need to make All for One an ultra planner , his hoarding and stealing was enough. This is just too much. It is too neat and thus it is pure ideology.