Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
Dragonball was one of my first animes, my first manga, and the only one that I still care about after growing out of my "anime phase" years.

Did you also read Dragonball? Or did you just skip to DBZ? Are you reading it without ever watching the anime before?

Dragonball and Dragonball Z are actually one continuous story, if you weren't aware, so a lot of stuff like having a dragon that can bring people back to life is already getting glossed over by the time DBZ starts.
Yeah, I started with the OG Dragon Ball manga, and continued on to Z.

Quote Originally Posted by Lurkmoar View Post
Are you watching Kai? They re-cut it, so it's better paced, but some moments still felt padded out.

My personal thoughts are that it's a fun series, my only gripe is that Dragon Ball Super pretty much undoes the solid good-bye at the end (I know that DBZ has a more distant ending and Super could be squeezed into it, but that defeats the point of good-bye). Also, the Buu saga was weak imo, the only good part was giving Mr Satan some growth and showing how actual kindness can pay dividends. But that was undone by scum shooting a dog.

To say that Dragonball Z is popular/influential is an understatement. The story beats cross cultural barriers, the memes are still being repeated and Super Saiyan has been aped as a power up in numerous other fictional works.
No, I'm not watching it. I don't have Crunchyroll, so I can't really watch DBZ or DBZ: Kai