Quote Originally Posted by notthegiant View Post
This argument is getting tiresome.

Spells do what they say they do, and nothing else. If Hex said "this bonus action requires Verbal and Somatic components", it would require Verbal and Somatic components. It doesn't say that, so the bonus action doesn't require components.

Components are a function of casting a spell. When you take a bonus action to move the hex after casting it, you aren't taking the Cast a Spell action. Nobody is claiming that Haste's extra action requires components just because it's an action granted by a spell.
No one is claiming that cursing a second target is taking the Cast a Spell action. Though there have been some straw-man [nigh gaslighting] attempts to make it look like it.

Also, no one is claiming that cursing a second target requires anything except psychic will is RAW.

What those of us who are stating that cursing a second target requires something more than psychic will, is a ruling (albeit some would call it a houserule); that the "moving" of the curse from a defeated foe to a new one requires a modicum of effort that is more than just the purely gamist "bonus action". All in an attempt to bypass the 'kill the familiar, curse the king' meme.

Again, agree, disagree, or agree to disagree but the argument over whether something works or not is getting... yes, tiresome.

These are rulings/houserules that some misconstrue as an attempt to qualify as RAW.