Alright, well, in the absence of movement in the thread, here's the list of players and my rambling thoughts on reading D1 & N1:

  1. Caedorus - voted Xihirli. Jokes about pretending to be town. Seems risky to do after Persolus admitted to the same thing, but still, slight wolflean just based off the Xihirli vote.
  2. AvatarVecna - Was on the counterwagon to a wolf (Xihirli) last minute, and it's alarming she's getting no shade when Merel is. Choosing only to speak in haikus.
  3. Snowblaze - I am always a little suspicious of Snow. Started off on Xihirli. Moved to me to get things going. Gives a bit of credit to Cao in post 43, moves to Xihirli with what is... not the most compelling logic, I think? Overall pretty neutral.
  4. flat_footed - voted Persolus in retaliation for poetry. Not quite late enough in the day for this to be definitive, but a risky thing to do as a wolf.
  5. Xihirli - voted Caedorus, ostensibly by random chance.
  6. Persolus - known wolf, probably dead. Voted Cazero re: random die roll (which makes me a little concerned they could be bussing from the get-go).
  7. Dakrsidder - chose not to vote to break what was either a three-way tie. Indicates that they're okay with possibly losing a wolf or is confident in vote manipulation; slight townpoints.
  8. Let'sGetKraken - Initially voted Merel. despite being amazing, perfect, and pleasant to deal with, was wrong in pivoting off Persolus to Cazero three hours before the end of turn. Reasoning for moving is in post #
  9. 3SecondCultist - voted flat via random. Has done a lot of roleplay and mechanical stuff, which could be alarming, and then of course there's the stuff with Snow's alignment.
  10. Cazero - Started off on Athedia via random die roll. Switched to Persolus as the fourth vote. Either a bussing wolf or, more likely, town. Strongest evidence for town so far.
  11. MerelBlackbird - suspicious vote activity onto the counterwagon to a wolf with a plausible enough excuse.
  12. Athedia - second vote on Persolus, theoretically due to die, but stayed there, which is important. Slight townlean.
  13. CaoimhinTheCape - started off on me for unclear insubstantial reasons. Moved to Xihirli, a counterwagon. Declines to shift to Cazero, which is NAI, I think, but is a possible pairing.

And consequently:

List of leans (in descending order):


Cazero. Fourth vote onto Persolus means either a bussing wolf or genuinely town.
Xihirli. If Xihirli was a wolf, it means the wolves were totally okay with the two biggest wagons being W/W until I came along last-minute with the Cazero wagon. Town points for this.
Athedia. Second vote on Persolus and more importantly stayed there. Had multiple opportunities to pivot.
Dakrsidder. Was okay with random chance when a wolf was on the line. Mind you, moving would have been risky and could have paired them with Persolus, but still. Could be a wolf with vote manip or knowledge of vote manip, but a wolf flipping makes this less likely.
Flat_footed. First vote on Persolus and stayed there. Flat isn't above bussing, but town points.


Cao. Could have shifted to Cazero but chose not to, otherwise I think would be on my wolflean list. If Cazero flips wolf at some point, definitely my pick for a yeet, but I think that's unlikely to happen.
Snowblaze. I am just naturally suspicious and her voting is a bad look overall.
3SecondCultist. A lot of mech and roleplay. Nothing that could not be faked as a wolf here. The Snow thing is both keeping him out of townleans and wolfleans, because it seems like a weird play for either alignment.
Caedorus. Not really anything to base this on? I want more activity if possible. Between the vote and low activity, could be a wolf trying to stay hidden. Most wolfleanish of my neutrals.


Merel. Slight wolflean based off behaviour but like, I still think this is a bad enough look that it could very well be bad luck and timing.
AV. Especially because she's getting no heat for her Xihirli vote, like I think she should.

Hm. I don't like either of the wolfleans enough to vote them right now. Some potential pairings between Cazero/Cao and Snow/Cultist, but who knows. So here's some questions instead.

1. Cao, was your initial vote on me random?
2. AV, want to explain why you thought that Xihirli was the best yeet D1?
3. Cazero/Xihirli: as the people I think are most townish right now, who do you think might be wolves?
4. Kraken, can you explain that you mixed up Xumtiil and Xihirli in the poll, and that your logic for not voting Xihirli was, uh, not valid at all? In that Xihirli would have been a perfectly fine yeet with your criteria? Oops. I mean, not oops, we got a wolf, but like... my bad. It is interesting that Xihirli hasn't pushed back on that mistake, though. I'd say slight wolflean for that, except the W/W thing makes me less concerned.