Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
No they don't You can extend a Hex through a short rest without killing anyone, and reassigning a Hex to a new target is the entire point of it lasting as long as it does; if it wasn't reassignable, you might as well change the duration to "Concentration, up to 1 minute." Neither #1 nor #2 rely on unintuitive behavior to function.
I second Pysern here. Also, Hex really isn't that elegant. It's half spell and half class ability, and the fact it always has a concentration requirement reduces its effectiveness as a class ability. And it probably is too front loaded power wise for a class ability (Eldritch and Agonizing Blast have the same problem, by Warlock 2 you have all of the power you are going to get and spend the next 18 levels wherever).

And yeah, it not working in a silence field is fine for me for the re-application.