Regine von Carstein

The vampiress's eyes widened at the offering, her mouth gaping gently as she stood adjacent to the dark-furred equine beast that had just become hers.

"He...Casper is...mine?" she stammered, eyes open, unable to believe what she was being given. Even in her undead state she was not so far-gone from her emotions that being granted a creature as beautiful as a warhorse could not rouse the stirring passions of gratitude and anticipation. The expense alone was astounding, no normal commoner could afford such an animal - yet here one was, all hers.

If she could exhale, she would have. Instead she smiled and half-curtsied to Wulf, turning and wrapping her arms around the beautiful animals broad, thick neck and granting him an affectionate hug. Given Regine's newly amplified and terrifying levels of physical prowess, she made sure to 'pull her punches', so to speak, and not break the poor things neck as she applied her grip and admiration.

"Thank you, Uncle!" Regine beamed, her lips arching in a broad smile as her previously-numb emotions roiled to the surface and expressed themselves in sincere gratitude.