Quote Originally Posted by halfeye View Post
Mainly, I suspect, Questionable Content. These days that guy gets it as bad as Mookie used to, I'm not sure why.
His writing style changed drastically, so there's a large portion of the fanbase that tears into him for that. He's also slowed down the pace of the plot (as much as QC has ever had one), covering roughly a week in comic-book-time over the course of a year real-time when the compression used to be far less. There was a change in focus as well, with almost the entire original cast fading into the background (two characters got engaged nearly 5 years ago real time and still haven't gotten married) and the new cast is generally perceived as unlikeable or at best a weaker copy of an older character who was written out. And finally there's a perceived lack of effort on JJ's part, with the character artstyle regressing significantly into simpler forms, plain or no backgrounds, and with regular art errors (the current comic has a character's freckles disappear in the final panel, for example).

So basically the quality of the comic went from an A to a generous C while simultaneously moving away from the type of humour and plots that kept people reading for years. This has made the older fans a teensy bit upset, as after 20 years of reading a comic it's hard to give it up. So you get 50 pages of snark.