By the wings of friendship carried
the knight became a fool...

Sorrow started chanting, but Novalis would not have it. Not with these folks around. He gathered himself, his shadow armor torn to shreds and a wide grin across his face.

There will be no need for you to carry me, Ringel of the Enekos. Nor for you to worry more, Telrayel. Let me wash these wounds you have magically sealed from the blood of both man an beast and let us be gone.
Frankly, Jorr, I don't know how you keep your dogs alive out here!

He took of his ragged shirt and washed himself in the water. Long freshly closed wounds still bled some when he summoned his shadow armor again.

There. No one would suspect underneath the armor lies the mangled body of a corpse. I'm going to need a horse.

He summoned his phantom steed and mounted.

By the wings of friendship carried,
the knight became a fool...

He mumbled, mocking Sorrow in his head.