Tedras knocks on the door, which booms deeply. He begins his attempted deception, but before he gets more than a few words out of his mouth, you all hear a commotion above you. Looking up, you see two modrons on the jail cars roof. Unlike the modrons you've seen so far, these are roughly star shaped, with a head in the middle of the the five arms. Each arm holds a sword.

One is shouting at you in the mechanical tongue they speak. You don't understand its words, but by its gestures you infer it's telling you to go around, or go back. They are clearly guarding the car.

Spoiler: pentadrone guard looks like this, but with swords

I'm assuming we've lost Siobhan and Clancy. I'll have them hang out in the math car for now, in case she reappears. But assume she's not with you. Ennius is with you, as they're on vacay and will be back soon.