Quote Originally Posted by Jack_Simth View Post
Making some assumptions for now so I can work on the build in a slightly more than speculative manner....

1) Major pets (animal companions, Phantoms, Eidolons, et cetera) are considered systems, and are one rfs/level. Familiars areone and done (equivalent to a feat).
2) Most things cost 1rfs whenever they advance (e.g,the Animal domain costs one each atfirst and fourth; the Oracle's Cursecosts at 1st, 5th, 10th, and 15th; Smite Evil costs each time the paladin gets a usefor the day; etcetera)
3) Multiples of the same choice are permitted (e.g., an Oracle with two mysteries, a Druid with two Animal Companions, et cetera) as long as you pay for them.
4) Third party content is OK from d20pfsrd.com.
5) RFS "crossing" from one side of the gestalt to the other is OK (e.g., losing Sneak Attack from the rogue to pay for more Paladin Smites or something)
6) Races without an RP listing are OK.
7) aonsrd.com content is limited to Pathfinder 1 (so no playing Starfinder races)

Please let me know where I go wrong with the above.
For my build I just need to know if we can apply archetypes before turning everything into rfs.