Quote Originally Posted by JbeJ275 View Post
Interested in trying something out here. You mentioned Goliaths as being particularly common in this world? Would they be local to the region or more far travellers?
Not in this world entirely, in this part of the world (the mountainous western edge of the eastern continent). The western continent is dominated by giants, so goliaths are quite common in the parts of the human world that are adjacent.

And what does the rest of the godly pantheon look like? Are there racil gods and pantheons or is it more different names for the same entities?
The main gods worshipped by humans and halflings are the Celestial Court, but Coldwater has a special attachment to the goddess of Death, the Maiden.

There are fey gods worshipped by the elves, gnomes and firbolgs, dragon gods worshiped by the reptilians, and giant gods worshipped by the goliaths and the giants of the West.

Also where do the undead involved in the attack come from? Are they the local or ancient dead? Would be interesting to have someone want to fight against the tide because they knew someone they knew was part of it once.
The spirits of the dead in this world travel north, usually out of the world into the realm of death, but sometimes they get hijacked by necromancers. A big part of the army are unwilling, enslaved undead, although more powerful independent undead are in the leadership. Raiders from Blackreach also take the bodies of the dead with them, maybe to raise and enslave, maybe for darker purposes.