Quote Originally Posted by Ishikar View Post
I fully understand the workload issue but I'd definitely be interested. I think several of us are new to the system but thankfully it seems easy enough to work with so we could all learn together.
Well... I will say, with pretty much every game I run I'm compelled to make my own setting. I was mulling over what I would have it be for Lancer. Didn't have any ideas, but I figured I'd develop some as I played and learned the rules... then I got a wild idea. A Lancer game, in the setting of Armored Core V/Verdict Day. With the frames effectively replacing the Armored Cores themselves, of course. But while the tech would be different, the world would essentially be the same. As a bonus... something I'd wanted in a custom Lancer setting was to have each of the four company lines be from a different fueding faction, and there are four such factions I can use in Verdict Day. And I know exactly who makes the HORUS frames...

But, I'll have to read the rules further, and also take a look through whatever DMG/MM analogue Lancer has.