The goblins seem... Pretty casual that the ones they were fighting against get essentially mugged and the leader answers.

"Oi, they're just needed some people to help with some kind of mining operation? And we did need the money or we wouldn't had anymore grakz."

"Grakz, grakz, grakz!"

Spoiler: Goblin or I guess other posibilities to understand languages
Grakz is the goblin name for both food and drink to live and they're national drink, the Grakz. Some kind of fizzing drink but unlike beer.

"They're just told us that they had some kind of dangerous metal that needed to be mined. We thought it would be like a more hard jelly and not some actual peoples."

Spoiler: Sense motive 15
They tell the truth about that.

The mound who get's shocked gurgles thankfully and indicates with some intricate vine motions that it will gladly cross the hot river and try to avoid any dwarfs in the future.