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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    The Fortress of Solitude

    Default Re: Seeking players and storyteller for Mixed Exalted 3E game

    Name: Darkened-Peak Venwinter
    Concept: Overworked Wage-Slave Sidereal
    Caste: Endings
    Mechanics: https://www.lotcastingatemi.com/characters/27986

    Spoiler: Backstory

    Darkened-Peak Venwinter was born into affluence and comfort. Though her time with her mother was short, her father was a powerful god who oversaw avalanches and stonefalls, and was comfortable in his position within the celestial bureaucracy. She lived with him there, in all the splendor and wonder in heaven, and he doted on her as the last vestige of her mothers memory.

    She loved her father dearly, and worked as his assistant as many God-Blooded children do for their Celestial parent, and was particularly talented in most aspects of doing so. She was constantly at his side, giving him notes or reminders and aiding him in his tasks. It wasn't a bad time, and she looks back on those years fondly.

    They Ended though. After all; Everything has an Ending. She wasn't with him when he found an Immaculate Temple being built at the base of one of his mountains. She wasn't with him when he found out the head of it was the woman who killed his wife, and her mother. She wasn't with him when he tried to bury it in rock and snow. She wasn't with him when the Dragon Blooded surrounded and killed him.

    If she had been, would it have mattered? She doesn't know.

    But her father was dead, she had a small inheritance, much smaller than she expected due to her father's debts, and was facing the prospect of being expelled from heaven, a prospect which terrified her probably more than it should have. So she did something stupid, and signed a contract

    She needed employment. If she found employment she could remain in heaven as a functionary of the Celestial Bureaucracy. And she even found someone willing to take her on! The Office of Deferred Mortality and Fate Correction under the Bureau of Endings; of whom numerous branches were undergoing a merger. The fact that people were flocking away from it in the face of this merger should have been a warning, but she was desperate.

    The job was murder. Nights full of unpaid overtime catching up on reports and forms that had to be filled out. Virtually no time off at all, let alone leave. A boss she would have sworn was secretly a demon from Malfeas who was lazy, temperamental, and had a martyr complex.

    Also she had to kill people sometimes.

    Her office focused on people who were supposed to die, but due to some fluke did not do so. Most of these could be corrected on heavens side but sometimes someone had to go down to Creation, and correct the flaw manually. And somehow that ended up her job too. God Blooded live a long time. And she did this job for four decades. Ignored. Belittled, and given higher work loads so the others in her office could have days off.

    She thought about quitting. Creation didn't seem so bad, now, but her work contract was clear. She still had a minimum of six more decades within the office. And if she left the consequences would be dire. Terminally dire. It said something about how bad it was she almost quit anyway.

    And then one day... Everything was different. Exaltation is different for everyone. For her it wasn't a massive moment, just everything clicking into place. She saw a way forward. She felt a burning in her soul but more that it was as if fog was lifting from her mind. The strands of the world, where she had been taken and where she would go were all evident for a moment.

    And then she brushed her teeth and went into work.

    In heaven and an Office run by endings her exaltation was discovered almost immediately. In any other case her unfavorable contract would have been terminated favorably and she would have moved to the Bureau of Destiny main office. Unfortunately this was not the case. Having seen her history, spoken to coworkers, and read her personal diary before secretly replacing it, Bronze Faction leadership strongly, and rightly to be fair, believed she would quickly form Gold Faction leanings and likely become another supporter for them.

    And if they couldn't manage to prevent that then they just had to keep Venwinter so busy that she had no time to do anything else but work. So she was moved to the Bureau of Destiny main office. It was just explained to her that she was expected to do her tasks as a Sidereal there alongside her previous duties, doubling her workload.

    She accepted this without a word.

    Since she has shown herself well. Despite being so forgettable, even for a sidereal, her work ethic is unimpeachable, and her focus is a little unnerving. She knows what she has to do now, of course. She knows what she's doing. She's been promoted in the Office of Deferred Mortality and Fate Correction. Her boss doesn't remember doing it but clearly he did? And she's doing all her tasks and even more so maybe he has to? A little at a time. She doesn't want to escape the Office of Deferred Mortality and Fate Correction anymore. No, she has a much easier and better plan unfolding.

    She's going to run it.

    Spoiler: Appearance

    The first word to describe Venwinter is exhausted.

    She may have been a beautiful woman once, but constant work and stress have masked over that into a sullen expression marked with deep rings and bags around her pale face. Her dark hair is stringy and has shreds of silver passing through it already, far earlier than it has any right to, and her posture is often poor, slightly hunched over from hours at desks. Even before being afflicted with Arcane Fate she was the kind of person who your eyes just slid off, easy to ignore.

    It's not to say she's particularly hideous, just that kind of vaguely unappealing you get from chronic overtime with little rest in between. Her face, its features pleasantly symmetrical, are marred by stress lines and unkempt grooming, which she barely has time for, let alone makeup. The occasional missed meal and typical diet of only the necessities and the ones she can consume quickly and while on the clock have left her expression just so slightly gaunt.

    This generally follows for the rest of her frame as well, giving her a corded appearance with very little softness or femininity to it. Despite that, her office stress code, unusual even within heaven, requires her to dress in a plain black top and skirt, with a purple tie, which has replaced most of her wardrobe given the infrequency that she is not actually working.

    Spoiler: Personality

    Quiet, almost shy is usually your first impression of Venwinter. She seems to work around the edges, not quite afraid of people exactly but wary. And in her defense people have rarely been good to her. Professionalism is usually your second impression. She speaks clearly calmly and with perfect pronunciation. Everything she does feels intentional, although this sometimes makes her feel ingenuine. She has a tendency to keep people at arms length and doesn't trust easily.

    Despite how this appears though she doesn't actually dislike most people. It's just that being a person is hard when you're exhausted, and she's always exhausted if not physically than mentally. She tends to be harder on herself than even anyone else is, which is frankly a feat. She wants to have friends and no people and live a life like a person does, more than anything honestly.

    But who has the time?

    She notably does not hold her liquor well, which tends to be the only time she actually opens up.
    Last edited by DrakeRaids; 2024-03-28 at 05:30 PM.
    Thought of the Week: "Bright is the nova confined in the dark."