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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Default Re: Vancouver By Night [Vampire the Masquerade V5 Chronicle]

    Interested if this is PbP (my schedule means only a couple days would work for live sessions). I also only have V20 not V5; will I need to buy V5 or get help with how some character building rules may have changed?

    Chelsea Carter, a Tremere Toreador (wow, those blood magic rituals are... not good for what I have in mind) of the Osiris persuasion, utilizing her oratory skills. She runs a small cult-like organization dedicated to seeking eternal life, but for one detail: from her sorcery, she understands that everything has a price. Blood to power her rituals... loyalty and aid for loyalty and aid. Her congregation has claim to her aid in their times of need. If not for the morality of it, then for pure pragmatism (though she'd prefer to cling to her humanity by doing the former).

    She balances innate cunning with innate charisma, though she's less able to function in a straight-up fight without her powers. By preference, she'll maneuver things to avoid fights entirely, negotiating and taking a lesser prize if necessary and possible.

    (It'll take a bit before I can make a good picture of her, since I refuse to use AI art. I have a program that'll let me make that image though.)
    Last edited by Naysmith; 2024-03-24 at 08:08 PM.